My estimate is that 80 to 90 percent of osteoporosis patients respond well to this drug, but not everyone. Allen donate and rise donate can cause unpleasant side effects in the esophagus. Someone with inflammation in the esophagus may thus not provide these resources. Some people get esophagus problems as a side effect, you must stop treatment and opt for something else.

In addition, bishops phonates have some rare but serious side effects. One is aseptic bone necrosis, severe wound infection to the jaw. If you are using bishops phonates for a long time, you can also get spontaneous bone fractures in the upper leg.

Second choice
If for some reason alien donate and rise donates no treatment possibility, doctors often choose from four different drugs. These agents also inhibit bone restoration, but are more expensive and relatively less on the market. The latter is often a disadvantage for doctors. If you write something for ten years, you know exactly what can happen when new resources is less clear.

The four funds are:
Strontium ran elate (daily pill / sachet)
Deon sumac (twice a year as a subcutaneous (under the skin) injection)
Zola donate (once a year intravenously (into a vein) infusion) (a daily pill)

A drug which you need the infusion once a year is all very interesting, but each agent has its downside. As zone donate cannot be used in patients with impaired renal function and leads to den sumac may erysipelas around the ankles. Arlene mimics the hormone estrogen after. This works only in women after menopause.

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